Kunsthalle for Music 



Kunsthalle for Music is an itinerant institution dedicated to the presentation of music within the histories and environments of the visual arts. At Kunsthalle for Music, an especially created ensemble performs on-site an exhibition of musical works, which are drawn from a repertoire or 'collection' that includes existing and newly commissioned solos, duets, and group pieces by both composers and visual artists.
The collection and exhibition score are created by Ari Benjamin Meyers, founder of Kunsthalle for Music. The exhibition score is open to variations. This means that it can and has been designed site-specifically or that it can vary or be modified according to re-interpretations or new additions to its collection. Ultimately, Kunsthalle for Music spatializes a ‘total musical situation’ in which the ensemble’s performance both constitutes the exhibition and forms the material basis for new creations. Commissioned artists are invited to work with the ensemble and the collection of Kunsthalle for Music and within the emptied or minimal environment of an exhibition space.