Rosa Barba Language Infinity Sphere, 2018
40 x 150 x 40 cm (plinth)
Language Infinity Sphere is part of a larger series of sculptures and prints made with thousands of old metal letterpress blocks. While the function of these letters has been overtaken by new methods of printing and distributing texts, their arrangement follows the logic of form rather than an alphabetical order—an encryption that formulates the instability of knowledge, or perhaps a lost or new language.
Rosa Barba engages within the medium of film through a sculptural approach. In her works, Barba creates installations and site-specific interventions to analyze the ways film articulates space, placing the work and the viewer in a new relationship. Questions of composition, physicality of form and plasticity play an important role for the artist as Barba examines the industry of cinema and its staging vis-à-vis gesture, genre, information and documents. Her film works are situated between experimental documentary and fictional narrative. They often focus on natural landscapes and human-made interventions into the environment and explore the relationship of historical records, personal anecdotes, and filmic representation, creating spaces of memory and uncertainty.