On Air: Carte Blanche to Tomás Saraceno Tomás Saraceno
October 16, 2018—January 6, 2019
Palais de Tokyo, Paris

On Air: Carte Blanche to Tomás Saraceno Tomás Saraceno

Event Horizon The installation consists of a spider web woven by a spider from the Palais de Tokyo, and a Bluetooth speaker that receives a signal coming from a laboratory of fundamental physics located in Italy. This laboratory records vibrations coming from two black holes colliding. These vibrations are sent onto the spider web in hope that the spider may reply. Photo © Andrea Rossetti

Press Release

The exhibition ON AIR is an ecosystem in becoming, hosting a polyphonic choreography between human and non-human universes, where works reveal common, fragile and ephemeral rhythms and trajectories uniting these worlds. As a hybrid organism, ON AIR is made of a myriad of presences, animate and inanimate, that meet and cohabit within it. Some voices become quiet, whilst others, usually less heard in the world, are magnified. The exhibition functions as an ensemble, performing the...
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