
Barbara and Axel Haubrok began collecting professionally at the end of the 1980s, and their collection now contains over 1000 works. Their focus is on international conceptual art at the turn of the millennium, covering the contemporary art of the last three decades. With their keen eye for thoughtful artists, they have made a name for themselves.

Neues Museum has invited the Haubroks to develop a highly personal presentation for the main exhibition hall. The title Out of Order reflects the humor and non-conformity of these collectors who have a special appreciation for “untidy”, ambiguous and enigmatic work.

In two parts following on from one another, the exhibition showcases the main focuses of the collection: sculpture, painting, drawings and photography. As Axel Haubrok explains, "Part 1 features only free-standing readymades and sculptures, Part 2 only hanging pictures, both underlining the conceptual approach of the collection and creating many new links between the works, especially since several artists are represented in both parts of the exhibition".