
The work here is the beginning of a new research structure towards the production of a serial scenario dealing with the social dynamic and tension between speculation and planning. 


It is suggested that one of the main battles of Twentieth Century socio-political formation has been the ideological battle between societies based upon planning and those which use speculation at the core of their notion of progress. 


In the earlier works around the book Discussion Island – Big Conference Centre there was a focus upon the issue of scenario construction as manifest in the negotiated zone of social and economic projection. With this new project a series of narratives will be developed in the serial form familiar from television. A sequence that attends more closely to the realm of planning. Of course the notional tension between planning and speculation is tied to the respective ideologies of the political left and right as they developed historically. Yet while it is assumed that speculation won the battle and with it we face the global dominance of dynamic capitalism, planning still manifests itself yet within ever more veiled guises. 


The works on show here function in the space between planning and presentation. Some propose backgrounds for the forthcoming serial scripts, others make implicit reference to the mutating form of the exchange between planning and speculation. A focus upon the aesthetic of rennovation and the complexity inherent in the seemingly negotiated. The commencement of a reassesment of the heavily planned.