The Infinite Mix: Contemporary Sound and Image with Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster
September 9—December 4, 2016
Hayward Gallery with the Vinyl Factory, The Store, London

The Infinite Mix: Contemporary Sound and Image with Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster

OPERA (QM.15), 2016 HD video, projector, screens, media player, amplifier, speakers, lights, curtains Duration 8:30 min The work fuses multiple temporal layers: the looped holographic projection of Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster's live apparition of the famous diva is itself a construct of the younger Maria Callas’s voice—audible are recordings of arias from Luigi Cherubini’s Medea, Giuseppe Verdi’s La Traviata and Amilcare Ponchielli’s La Gioconda—clothed in the iconic red dress of the opera singer’s final performances. Photo © Michael Wilkin Photography

Press Release

Premiered in the Hayward Gallery’s exhibition The Infinite Mix: Contemporary Sound and Image in September of 2016, Opera (QM.15) transforms a recording of Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster's live apparition as Maria Callas into a holographic illusion that creates a ghostly operatic presence in a very large dark and empty space. The work is influenced by the development of photography, early cinema and the interest in the uncanny shared by many 19th century artists and writers. It is...
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